Academic Communication

Chengguo Zhang

2023-08-26 589

Dr Chengguo Zhang is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering at UNSW. Dr Zhang works in the discipline of mining engineering, particularly in mine geomechanics research throughout his career, aiming to improve safety and sustainability in mines by conducting fundamental and applied research. Dr Zhang received his B.E. in Mining Engineering from China University of Mining and Technology and Ph.D. in Mining Engineering from UNSW Sydney. Specifically, his research interest focuses on the critical areas in the mining industry, such as dynamic rock mass failures, the interaction of mining and groundwater, and mine data analysis and visualisation. His recently research focuses on integrating data analysis and visualisation technologies into the assessment of rock mass behaviour and management of geotechnical risks in deep mining environments, with more emphasis on the hard rock mines. His research leads to novel and unique solutions that previously have limited understanding and directly applies and translates to industry practices. Dr Zhang has been working closely with the industry via a range of industry projects and consultancy projects in both NSW and QLD in Australia. As for professional services, he was invited to join the Commission on Rockbursts, International Society for Rock Mechanics in 2020. He has been invited to the Organising Committee of a range of international conferences. He has also served as committee/council member of various of professional society, such as NSW Underground Geotechnical Society (NUGS), The Mine Subsidence Technological Society (MSTS) etc.; and editorial board of the International Journal of Mining Science and Technology.