Academic Communication

Chuanhai Liu

2024-09-04 19

Chuanhai Liu, Doctorate, Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor. He has presided over the completion of 1 National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project, 1 basic scientific research fund project of Heilongjiang Provincial undergraduate universities, 1 Heilongjiang Provincial postdoctoral level project, 1 national professional center laboratory open project, 4 horizontal projects entrusted by enterprises. Has participated in and completed 7 National Natural Science Foundation projects (including 1 key project), 8 national special sub-projects, 1 local university youth team construction project supported by central financial support, 1 key project of Heilongjiang Natural Science Foundation, and currently participates in 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects (including 1 key project). 1 Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province. Won 1 municipal science and technology award. 16 national patents were authorized, including 3 national invention patents authorized by the first inventor and 4 utility model invention patents. He has published more than 40 academic papers, including 10 SCI retrieval papers published by the first author, 1 highly cited paper selected by CNKI, and participated in the compilation of 1 academic book.