Welcome to ISMSSE2021!


Welcome to ISMSSE2021!

New date  ISMSSE 2021 goes hybrid!

The Fifth International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering (ISMSSE2021), will be hosted by Central Mining Institute in Katowice, Poland on 21-25 November 2021. The ISMSSE2021 will be hosted in a hybrid mode giving the opportunity for a face to face and an online experience, no matter where you are.

Since 2011International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering has been successfully held four sessions. The objective of ISMSSE 2021 is to create an international forum for discussing the challenges associated with safety in mining industry and to present advances in technology. ISMSSE 2021 thus is a meeting of scientists and professionals who establish ambitious aims to confront ideas and experiences, evaluate implemented solutions, and discuss new ideas that improve safety in mining industry. We are inviting the entire global mining community to connect with each other to share and explore current challenges and opportunities with.

This time ISMSSE2021 will be held in hybrid mode, and still experts and engineers from all over the world will have opportunity to gather in Katowice or meet virtually to share new achievements in the field of mine safety research.  I believe that with the support of all mine safety science and engineering scholars, the conference will continue to contribute to the development of mine safety science and engineering.

 I sincerely invite you to attend ISMSSE2021!

Sanitary information

We would like to mention that during symposium our priority is to ensure the safety of all our onsite attendees. We are closely monitoring COVID-19 developments. You are required to follow the below practices to stay healthy and to reduce exposure and risk.

- Wear a medical grade masks, covering your nose and mouth, at all times;

- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol;

- Maintain social distancing.

Due to the prevailing epidemiological situation and the safety of the Participants, the participants are asked to follow the safety rules, including stationary participation only of those who, to the best of their knowledge, are not infected with the SARS CoV-2 virus, are not in quarantine, or/and under supervision epidemiological, do not have disease symptoms and have a complete set of vaccinations or the current test. 

Thank you for your understanding.

The next edition of ISMSSE 2021 is coming.

We invite you to follow the reports from this event on the Symposium website (https://ismsse2021.aconf.org), GIG website (www.gig.eu) and social media (facebook- https://www.facebook.com/GIGinstytutbadniczy,  linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/central-mining-institute-gig-/?originalSubdomain=pl).


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